Friday, 29 January 2016

[OBIEE 11g] Weblogic SSL Error ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH in Chrome [Solved]


While opening SSL enabled OBIEE url we got the following error as shown in the screen shot.



Google chrome was updated to 48 and the latest version of chrome had dropped RC4 encryption support.


Make a back up of the config file of OBIEE from the below mentioned location

File: config.xml
Then edit the config file and add  line <ciphersuite>TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA</ciphersuite>

after already existing cipher-suite

Then the file will look like.

Do the same for bi server also.

Then restart weblogic and you can log into the SSL enabled OBIEE easly.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

ODI 11g Error:ORA-00920 in SCD Type 2 Solved.

ODI Error: ORA-00920 invalid relational operator.

Check the code corresponding to the interface and you can see an extra "and" condition after "where" clause.


When implementing SCD Type 2 we define slowly changing dimension behavior for  each column in the table.

now i have given overwrite on change to all columns other than

  • Natural key
  • Surrogate key
  • Current record flag
  • Starting time stamp
  • Ending time stamp
If we are using IKM for slowly changing dimension we have to give Add Row on Change for  at least one column else if we are using Over Write on change for all column there is no meaning in using IKM for slowly changing dimension we can meet that with IKM for incremental update.

Monday, 11 January 2016

ODI 11g Error:ODI-1222 while running the interface Solved

Oracle Data Integrator 

Error ODI-1222 while running the interface.

Screen shot of the error is provided below.


In the error it is explained that there is no connection for the logical schema.
So check your logical schema corresponding to the interface.

In this case logical schema  corresponding to the interface is EMPLOYEE_TARGET.

Expand the logical schema and check whether contexts are marked properly to the physical schema, else mark it accordingly.

 Then again execute your interface.

Then you can see your interface executed successfully.

Thank you.