Thursday, 11 February 2016

SSL Configuration in OBIEE

Steps to Convert a PFX Certificate into a JKS Certificate to configure it on OBIEE

Step 1:

Set up the environment for the domain, by executing the setDomainEnv.cmd script, typically located atC:\MW_HOME\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\binsetDomainEnv.cmd 

Step 2:

Use OpenSSL to check the pfx certificate's content.[Note: OpenSSL is open source software to implement basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions]

Download openssl and set the path for openssl.exe openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate.pfx> -out KEYSTORE.pem –nodes Eg: openssl pkcs12 -in Companyname.pfx -out KEYSTORE.pem -nodes

At this point, a password for the pfx file will be requested. 

Expected output:openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate.pfx> -out KEYSTORE.pem -nodes Enter Import Password: MAC verified OK

Step 3:

Open KEYSTORE.pem file, from step 2. This should look similar to this: You will find three certificates on it and the private key:

Bag Attributes Microsoft Local Key set: <No Values> localKeyID: 01 00 00 00 friendlyName: le-36c42c6e-ec49-413c-891e-591f7e3dd306 Microsoft CSP Name: Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider Key Attributes X509v3 Key Usage: 10 -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAtPwoO3eOwSyOapzZgcDnQOH27cOaaejHtNh921Pd+U4N+dlm . . . EDITING . . . R5rsB00Yk1/2W9UqD9Nn7cDuMdilS8g9CUqnnSlDkSG0AX67auKUAcI= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Bag Attributes localKeyID: 01 00 00 00 friendlyName: * subject=/serialNumber=sj6QjpTjKcpQGZ9QqWO-pFvsakS1t8MV/C=US/ST=Missouri/L=CHESTERFIELD/O=Oracle_Corp, Inc./OU=Oracle/CN=* issuer=/C=US/O=GeoTrust, Inc./CN=GeoTrust SSL CA -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIErzCCA5egAwIBAgIDAIH6MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMEAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT . . . EDITING . . . wA5JxaU55teoWkuiAaYRQpuLepJfzw+qMk5i5FpMRbVMMfkcBusGtdW5OrAoYDL9 4rgR -----END CERTIFICATE----- Bag Attributes friendlyName: GeoTrust Global CA subject=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc. /CN=GeoTrust Global CA issuer=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc. /CN=GeoTrust Global CA -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDVDCCAjygAwIBAgIDAjRWMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMEIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT . . . EDITING . . . 5fEWCRE11azbJHFwLJhWC9kXtNHjUStedejV0NxPNO3CBWaAocvmMw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- Bag Attributes: <Empty Attributes> subject=/C=US/O=GeoTrust, Inc. /CN=GeoTrust SSL CA issuer=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc. /CN=GeoTrust Global CA -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIID2TCCAsGgAwIBAgIDAjbQMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMEIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT . . . EDITING . . . TpnKXKBuervdo5AaRTPvvz7SBMS24CqFZUE+ENQ= -----END CERTIFICATE-----


Identify and store contents from KEYSTORE.pem certificate, to proceed and create jks files: At this point, you will find  three certificates on  KEYSTORE.pem and the private key. 4.1 Private Key.

To identify the private key, look for the following headings:-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Both above mentioned tags will be surrounded the private key. Go ahead and save the content of it into a file called: my_key_pk.pem. This has to include the headings.  Expected file:-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAtPwoO3eOwSyOapzZgcDnQOH27cOaaejHtNh921Pd+U4N+dlm . . . EDIT . . . Y4ZrW12PRa9/EOBGTG5teKAEada/K4yKReTyQQAGq6j5RjErmuuKkKgPGMSCjvMS R5rsB00Yk1/2W9UqD9Nn7cDuMdilS8g9CUqnnSlDkSG0AX67auKUAcI= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

4.2 Root Certificate.

To identify the Root Certificate, look for the following headings:subject=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA issuer=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA

Subject and issuer must be the same. Go ahead and save the content of it into a file called: my_key_root.pem. Include all the content from BEGIN CERTIFICATE TO END CERTIFICATE, both included.

4.3 Intermediate Certificate.

To identify an Intermediate Certificate, look for the following heading:subject=/C=US/O=GeoTrust, Inc./CN=GeoTrust SSL CA issuer=/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA

Subject and issuer are different only on the CN. Go ahead and save the content of it into a file 

called:my_key_intermediate.pem. Include all the content from BEGIN CERTIFICATE TO END CERTIFICATE, both included.

NOTE: This certificate is optional and there are some cases where it'll not be present. If this is the case, go ahead and skip this step. In any other case, this needs to be added to the identity keystore jks file. 

4.4 Server Certificate.

 To identify a Server Certificate, look for the following heading:


subject=/serialNumber=sj6QjpTjKcpQGZ9QqWO-pFvsakS1t8MV/C=US/ST=Missouri/L=CHESTERFIELD/O=Oracle_Corp, Inc./OU=Oracle/

        A server certificate includes a heading called Friendly Name. Go ahead and save the content of it into a file called: my_key_crt.pem. Include all the content from BEGIN CERTIFICATE TO END CERTIFICATE, both included. 

Step 5:

Create a Trust Keystore and import the Root certificate into it.Run this commands from the file that contain your certificates

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file my_key_root.pem -alias my_key_root -keystore my_key_trust.jks -storepass <store_pass> -keypass <key_pass> 

Expected Output:

Certificate already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias <geotrustglobalca> Do you still want to add it to your own keystore? [no]: yes Certificate was added to keystore Step 6: Generate an Identity Keystore and import Server into it. Java utils.ImportPrivateKey -keystore my_key_identity.jks -storepass <store_pass> -storetype JKS -keypass <key_pass> -alias server_identity -certfile my_key_crt.pem -keyfile my_key_pk.pem -keyfilepass <pfx_password>
With these instructions, two jks files will be produced:

·         my_key_identity.jks
·         my_key_trust.jks

With both files, the next step is to configure Custom Identity and Custom Trust on Weblogic

Steps to configure Custom Identity and Custom Trust with Weblogic

Step 1: Login to Weblogic Admin console 

Step 2: Click on Lock & Edit

Step 3
Environment --> Servers --> < server_name_where_ssl_has_to_be_configured >

Step 4: Select Admin Server

Step 5:
·         Configuration -> General --> SSL Listen Port Enabled ( Check )
·         Note: The SSL Listen Port to 7002(make sure the port is available), change it if required. 

Step 6:
·         Click on Keystores tab under " Configuration " tab :
·         Click on the drop down menu next to Keystores and select " Custom Identity and Custom Trust " 
·         Click on Save

Step 7:
Now fill the following information:
Custom Identity Keystore: < location_of_identity_keystore_that_you_have_created>
NOTE: By default WLS will look for this keystore file in domain_home location.
 Custom Identity Keystore Type: jks
 Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase: < This_would_be_your_storepass >
 Custom Trust Keystore: < location_of_trust_keystore_that_you_have_created>
 NOTE: By default WLS will look for this keystore file in domain_home location.
 Custom Trust Keystore Type: jks
 Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase: < This_would_be_your_storepass >

Step 8:
Now save the changes and click on “SSL” tab:
·         Private Key Alias: < This_would_be_your_certificate_alias>
·         Private Key Passphrase: < This_would_be_your_keypass >

Step 9:
·         Save the changes and click on the " >Advanced " field under the “SSL” tab:  
·         Set the " Hostname Verification: " to none (from the drop down menu).

Step 10: 

Repeat the same steps for bi_server1 set the ssl listen port as 9804(make sure the port is available)

Step 11: Click on Activate changes

Step 12: 

Configure node manager for SSL
1. Stop the Node manager service
2. Update the file at the location MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager by updating the following properties:

3. Add the following properties to this file:
CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName =<Identity keystore location>
CustomIdentityAlias= <Alias of identity keystore>
CustomIdentityPrivateKeyPassPhrase=<Identity Private Key pass phrase>
CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName ==<Trust keystore location>
CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase=<Key Store Passphrase>

Step 13: Save the file and restart all services

Step 14:
Install .pfx certificate on your server
·         Double click on the certificate
·         Click on next

Specify the file you want to import

·         Type your pfx Password

Select certificate store as Trusted Root Certification Authorities

·         Click Flinish

·         You will see the message as The import was successful

Step 15:
·         Now log into your OBIEE using the new address

·         https://Domain name in certificate:9804/analytics
·         https://Domain name in certificate:7002/console

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